Accounting Ideas

Item Detail Report for your Products to Export as CSV or PDF for Buisnesses on needs.

Item Detail report showing cost price and sell price , supplier and there item code would be easy to quickly find those items that are new to be entered and to cut out those already on system. Also for a list to filter popular items that customers order so you can go to a supplier and source them quicker by using there own code. Also would be a quick way to seer those accounts that have a wrong sales account or Purchase account and amend them more efficently by import or individually in the system. I feel that as it is a form we fill out from the product that pulling a report together should not be to bad to do as the database will have all the fields necessary to build this type of report. Also your bigger products like Sage 200 might also have this in place so it would be a plug and play excercise of sorts(though not always easy).

  • Guest
  • Dec 7 2021
  • One For The Future
  • Attach files