Accounting Ideas

Enhanced reporting by analysis type

As in Sage 50, and in other competitor cloud products, can we run P&L reports across multi analysis types, for example:

  • All 'Departments' in one report, presented one after another in sequence (e.g. Nominal Activity Departmental Analysis in Sage 50)

  • All 'Departments' in one report, presented side-by-side with the X axis (columns) being the Departments or Analysis Types, and the Y axis (rows) being the nominals for income and expenditure - this would allow at-a-glance comparison of income or spend across various departments (e.g. Profit and Loss by Class in QuickBooks)

Perhaps an enhancement of the 'Intelligence' report builder could enable us to do this, if functionality were included to allow reports to be designed which filtered by Analysis Type.



  • Guest
  • Jun 5 2020
  • Great Idea Currently In The Works
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  • Guest commented
    03 Jun 14:22

    As others have said, you have great analysis functionality - better than one 'blue' popular alternative... yet the inability to be able to report effectively with this renders it practically useless for business report application. Please move this forward - you have a great product Sage - don't become deaf to your users like the alternative is doing...

  • Guest commented
    28 May 15:47

    Why has this still not been introduced? Come on Sage!

  • Guest commented
    November 14, 2023 10:29

    Yes - exactly. Why have analysis types if you don't give the full reporting functionality. Surely it would be simple to do this!!

    Come on Sage - get it done. I am sure your competitors can do this!

  • Guest commented
    June 15, 2023 19:29

    SAGE - I called today with regards this exact issue and posted an idea on the subject which has now been merged into this string as it is exactly what everyone else is asking for.

    Quite surprised to see that the initial request is from June 2020, 3 years ago and with the amount of requests for this to be done, yet nothing has, you state that it is a greta idea that is currently in the works, how much longer do we have to wait for this, can't be that difficult if like someone has said below it is already in place on SAGE 50....

    Come on SAGE, let's get it done!!!!!

  • Guest commented
    February 21, 2023 15:54

    The would be a good basic addition

  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2023 17:01

    These enhancements would be very useful

  • Guest commented
    November 09, 2022 11:52

    Please think about giving us one detailed report by department type rather than date order. This was available in my old accounts package, Sage 50 but not here. A real headache and very time consuming having to do a report for each department when you are having to claim gift aid. Please fix this Sage.

  • Guest commented
    November 01, 2022 14:36

    Is there any update on this? I really need to do cost-centred based analysis on Sage cloud for a new company I've just taken over the accounts for.

    Is there no way to analyse either through departments or funds - I used both in Sage 50 for a previous organisation - to identify which income stream each transaction related to.

  • Guest commented
    October 10, 2022 10:58

    I agree that this cloud version of Sage is a backward step from Sage 50Accounts Plus and that this type of report is vital for Charity/CIC organisations to report to funders. Sage take note and upgrade this reporting functionality as a priority

  • Guest commented
    August 16, 2022 17:12

    Having a report by project where you can select GL codes is a must for improvements. The platform is not nearly as sophisticated as Sage 50. I wish I never moved over.

  • Guest commented
    November 19, 2021 21:53

    As a Community Interest Company we use the Departments to manage each of our projects from funders. In our bids we stated that we used Sage as we believed that this gave us credibility. We can give our funders a Profit & Loss Account but are unable to give them the detail of the transactions which is extremely embarrassing. I have tried a nominal activity report and used the more function but this does not work correctly as not all the transactions are included on the report. On speaking to Sage this reporting is low priority and they do not see it as a necessity for managing an organisation. As we cannot give our funders the information they require we are going to have to look at other software providers

  • Guest commented
    September 17, 2021 11:12

    Disappointing. This seems quite a basic requirement and we would have hesitated signing up for Sage Online had we known it wasn't available - especially as we are now told that it is on Sage50!

    Sage - please make an upgrade a priority!

  • Guest commented
    September 14, 2021 11:50

    We need this as soon as possible even if initially we only have a CSV file that can be exported to a spreadsheet. Until this is ready we have to put customers who need this kind of analysis on QuickBooks.

  • Guest commented
    August 27, 2021 13:57

    I would like to be able even to get a simple report (P&L or NomLedger) split out by project. It just isn't feasible to have to do a csv report singly and then join them altogether on one for the client to see. I had assumed this would be automatically available but apparently not.

  • Guest commented
    July 27, 2021 09:25

    it's a good point about ending up with too many columns in the second report... having a tickbox of analysis types rather than always including all would enable the user to control this.

  • Guest commented
    June 17, 2021 12:14

    the easiest way to achieve this would be to add a column to the nominal activity report for each active analysis type. This would at least enable the user to export the data and do the analysis themselves in excel. The fact we have put this data in sage but can't get it out is infuriating especially when you look at sage's competitors.

  • Guest commented
    May 18, 2021 10:33

    Would love to be able to search a project while inputting a PL or SL. Nightmare having to search through a list of 100's of projects!

  • Guest commented
    April 16, 2021 08:35

    My particular request would be that both Nominal Transaction reports and Audit Trail reports should have an option to display and sort by department. P&L analysis already exists but does not appear to drill down effectively. How soon can we expect these improvements to be offered. Database analysis is normally very simple, so hopefully should not take long?

  • Guest commented
    December 18, 2020 14:01

    departmental Trial Balance report would be very useful. pleasssseeeee.....

  • Guest commented
    November 12, 2020 11:45

    Great ask!

    Would it be one or the other or are both methods (in rows and Columns) needed?

    Also would having all Projects in a single report be needed or would being able to compare a subset of these projects at a time suffice? So if for example: If you were able to run a P&L for 10 projects at a time across your columns ... would that be sufficient?

    Would you want to be able to add two layers of comparison against Analysis Types to a P&L? So for example, would you want to be able to have a top group of Analysis Type 1 (e.g. Projects) and then a second level group of Analysis Type 2 (e.g. Region) grouped under the top level?

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