Accounting Ideas

Give some indication of timescales for items list here as "likely to be coming your way" or "we are taking a look at this"

Perhaps use a colour coded system or similar to show which suggestions you are working on and which ones we can expect to be installed in the very near future - with timescales if possible

  • Guest
  • May 23 2022
  • Great Minds Think Alike - This Exists Today
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 Apr 16:12

    Great Minds think alike - This exists today - WHERE IS THIS SHOWN?

  • Guest commented
    June 27, 2022 07:17

    I appreciate your feedback but it doesn't really give any idea of timescales. Some of the most popular suggestions have taken over 2 years to deliver. I was looking for something that provided estimated timescales or a list of items on the next update as the categories of "likely to be coming your way" etc mean very little to me as a user and do little to ease my frustrations.

  • Admin
    Nicole Hardin commented
    June 21, 2022 14:19

    Anna thank you for your feedback. "Great Idea currently in the works" are things we are actively working on. "Likely to be coming your way" are things that are in our plans and listed as "we are taking a look at this" are items we are researching feasibility. Hopefully that is helpful context.