Accounting Ideas

Pass on Credit Card Charges to customers

Why is there not an easy way to pass credit card charges on to customers when using Stripe?

Xero have this option so you can tick a prefrence to always pass the charge onto the customer. I then wouldnt have to email and ask my customer then add it as a line to the invoice.

It would be great if the customer clicks pay by credit card and then gets told about the charges and if they dont want to pay them they can do an online payment using the bank details.

  • Guest
  • May 22 2023
  • We're Taking A Look At This
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  • Guest commented
    19 Jul 10:07

    Also STRONGLY support this request .. If Xero can do it why cant Sage

  • Guest commented
    19 Mar 17:46
    I would like to support this request. Currently I can issue the invoice with a note in the terms and conditions that a credit card fee of 2.9% is applied to payments by credit card. Then the line item is added if the client happens to use this service. If they pay by eft or cheque, they have the pdf version of the invoice without that "fee"