Accounting Ideas

Search contacts

I would like to be able to search by any field in contacts
But mainly I would like to be able to search by:
phone number
email address

  • Guest
  • Nov 23 2019
  • Great Ideas Delivered
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    14 May 11:40

    The ability to search for an address/postcode/phone number in the customer search bar has been removed – you can now only search for a name which is not useful when you have several customers with the same name but not the same address etc – please implement this search function again ASAP.

  • Guest commented
    July 04, 2023 10:17

    Hi I would like to be abot to search customers and contacts by their first line address, country, city/town, post code, and phone number.

  • Guest commented
    July 03, 2023 13:54

    Can this search be extended into the sales invoices as well please? we always look up delivery addresses to find a particular invoice.

  • Admin
    Brian Ho commented
    July 03, 2023 13:44

    Hey there! You can search suppliers and contacts by their first line address, country, city/town, post code, and phone number. Please let us know what you think!

  • Guest commented
    March 02, 2021 16:18

    search contacts using address would be really helpful if all those contacts at same address come up at moment have to use their name with (practice name) in brackets Ie. Dr A Smith (The practice) to be able to find all Drs that work at the particular practice. This is OK if only one person enters new clients in to contacts, so only comes to light when doing invoicing at month end, manually with paper invoices.