Accounting Ideas

Searching for transactions

In the software I find it time consuming to find transactions. Why can't I just say what I am looking for and the system then gives me all transactions in the software that match the criteria. It is so time consuming going in and out of banks/ supplier accounts etc (espcially if the client has lots of them) and has posted incorrectly. Why making seaching a chore it should be the most helpful thing in the software !

  • Guest
  • Jan 27 2021
  • Great Idea Currently In The Works
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 May 10:16

    it would be great if the description was available on the customer activity screen rather than opening every invoice to check which job each invoice relates to which is so time consuming

  • Guest commented
    12 Jan 10:55

    We need this function, searching for transactions is so time consuming currently. In sage line 50 it was so quick to go to the transactions page and search and find what you needed in seconds, this is a basic need for accounting, please sort this asap, thank you.

  • Guest commented
    June 06, 2023 16:33

    The fact that this is not yet implemented when Quickbooks...and pretty much everyone else...have had that feature for years shows how behind Sage is.

  • Guest commented
    April 04, 2023 13:46

    Yes! Please!

  • Guest commented
    March 29, 2023 08:51

    Is there any update on this yet ? Surely this should be pretty standard ?

  • Guest commented
    October 31, 2022 11:30

    Is there any update on this yet ? This process is so time consuming

  • Guest commented
    September 05, 2022 11:56

    Completely agree - I do like the interface and it is all easy to use, however, it is crazy that I cannot search by description or product to check if an invoice for a product has been raised and sent. Right now I have 5000+ invoices to one client/customer and the only info I can search by is invoice number which is not helpful at all as I have to click on each one separately to view the description which is far too time consuming. The invoice description doesn't even show up in the aged debtors report, again it just displays the invoice number and customer. I need more info about the invoice and to be able to search through it all. I cant be the only one who needs to search for invoices in more detail. We need at least a 'description column' in the sales invoices window.

  • Guest commented
    November 15, 2021 15:43

    Have you tried searching in the audit trail to find what you're looking for?