Accounting Ideas

Could you add a option to create purchase orders.

When i order stuff that's on a 30day credit account they ask for a purchase order with a order number then when item arrives it has the invoice which can then be but in as a purchase. Would also be good if you could convert a purchase order to a purchase. 

Just a idea, would help me and maybe lots others to.


Many thanks


Little legs buses Ltd. 

  • Guest
  • Jan 23 2020
  • Love This Idea Likely To Be Coming Your Way
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  • Guest commented
    08 Jul 10:38
    What does " love this idea likely to be coming your way" actually mean ? As it seems to mean nothing, Any idea of timescale or is it never coming to sage business cloud ?
  • Guest commented
    23 May 13:12

    Is this function being implemented or not?

  • Guest commented
    23 Apr 19:30

    I am very surprised Sage Accounting does not support PO? Are you serious?

  • Guest commented
    19 Apr 19:36
    Love this idea likely to be coming your way??? This means nothing? Is it coming or not ??, been going on for years !!!
  • Guest commented
    25 Mar 12:55

    id like to add to this - purchase orders is the missing piece - please add it - i pay more for it!

  • Guest commented
    08 Mar 17:23

    This is a major gap in Sage's feature set, and it's hard to believe that we have to resort to using Word and Excel to produce and manage purchase orders!

  • Guest commented
    06 Mar 11:52

    Can't believe its not on there already

  • Guest commented
    September 14, 2023 11:49

    Oh yes please it is so annoying that they come up in any old order.... please give us a decent sort function.

  • Guest commented
    September 06, 2023 13:08

    Creating a PO is such a basic function I can't believe it's not on here. Please introduce it as soon as possible, it's badly needed.

  • Guest commented
    August 24, 2023 16:42

    For sure that in the accounting software there should also be the Purchase Order option from a vendor. This is a key element for daily business transactions.

  • Guest commented
    August 21, 2023 14:04

    Not having purchase orders is really limited our ability to sell sage business cloud to our clients as they all need to be able to have a purchase order that can be linked to a purchase invoice. Hopefully it can make the list soon.

  • Guest commented
    August 03, 2023 09:50

    This would be fantastic, as will stop orders being placed within authorisation and reduce company spending.

  • Guest commented
    July 22, 2023 22:32

    Sérieusement, les gens demandent un module de bon de commande depuis plus de 3 ans et ce n'est toujours pas disponible? C'est pourtant essentiel. J'en ai besoin aussi.

  • Guest commented
    July 13, 2023 10:05

    I badly need this function . I have recommended Sage to a friend and he was going to sign up but needs this function so now will not .

  • Guest commented
    July 06, 2023 13:25

    I have three Clients currently switched to Sage Business Cloud and they all want Purchase Order module. Even if it was exactly the same process as the Sale Quote/Estimate method.

    Please can you progress this upgrade at your earliest convenience, not just for me but, for all the customers who have posted to this topic

  • Guest commented
    July 04, 2023 09:44

    This would be a very appreciated addition, i have asked before why its not available hopefully it will be added soon.

  • Guest commented
    July 04, 2023 09:42

    It would also be an idea that when the delivery is made the items are added into the stock control system

  • Guest commented
    May 26, 2023 15:25

    Is it possible to set up a Purchase Order option on sage accounting. This is a real limitation at the moment as we are having to create them outside of the software.

  • Guest commented
    May 11, 2023 18:07

    I would also very appreciate being able to create purchase orders (and then transform it into into a vendor invoice). Will this be available soon in your solutions for the French market?

  • Guest commented
    February 28, 2023 10:18

    Bonjour, j'ai besoin de pouvoir créer des commandes.

    Cette fonction, pourtant logique et indispensable, est demandée depuis longtemps par de nombreux utilisateurs.

    Quand sera-t-il possible d'avoir cette fonction ?

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