Accounting Ideas

Sort Balance header

The ability to sort by balance owed on the contact list (customer & supplier) You can sort by every other column in the customer or supplier lists, but not by the one that people use the most which is balance.

  • Guest
  • Nov 5 2020
  • We're Taking A Look At This
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  • Guest commented
    17 Jun 13:30

    Are you still taking a look at this? Another standard useful feature in Sage50.

  • Guest commented
    October 10, 2023 12:09

    would be very useful to be able to sort suppliers by balance owed

  • Guest commented
    August 30, 2023 09:26

    Yes please - I really miss this option from previous versions of Sage Accounts and also an button to exclude zero balances. - Oh and also when first presented with the Customers and Suppliers screen it's automatically sorted A to Z

  • Guest commented
    June 28, 2022 13:54

    Yes a facility used frequently in Sage 50 - please add for Sage Cloud

  • Guest commented
    February 28, 2022 13:03

    Definitely agree. Or have a filter option to show just customers / suppliers with an outstanding balance

  • Guest commented
    September 29, 2021 13:29

    I would really like this. similar function was available in sage 50 and i found it really useful

  • Guest commented
    January 20, 2021 00:07

    Totally agree!