Accounting Ideas


Merged idea

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Move product/service around on Sales Estimate Merged

We use a sales estimate as our work order. Once the order is complete we convert the estimate to an invoice. We would like to be able to move the product/service items up or down to group certain items together. Our "products" are parts. We would like to group certain parts together. Ex: Labor is our first 2-3 products, then the larger more expensive parts follow, then the less expensive parts are towards the bottom of the estimate. We currently print the estimate off, cross off the parts we have on the physical work order and enter the parts we are missing from the estimate. Sometimes, we want to add those missing parts higher up on the estimate. Our techs work in a certain order and we would like our work orders to match the estimate by manually sorting the product/service.

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2023
  • Great Ideas Delivered